It seems the AFL are voting tomorrow on whether there should be AFL played on Good Friday. It seems to have sparked some interesting discussions about faith and life in Australia Article Here AFL Poll I'd be interested in anyone's views on it. Australia definitely has a religion of following footy and it would be interesting to know if that religion outweighs (or is more wanted) than a remembrance of Jesus' death. I don't know what to think, being a follower of Jesus and a follower of footy and being a bit tired of doing things just because they're done ie going to church on Good Friday because everyone has always done it etc. Could we watch a bit of footy in the arvo after spending some time with a group of believers? What else would we be doing? I myself like to think that Jesus' death on the cross affects my life everyday not just on Sunday or even Good Friday. The question also has to be asked whether the bible actually asks us to meet specifically just to remember his death and resurrection at the approximate time at which it happened. I get the feeling that Jesus would far rather us be affected by who He was and is as the Son of God everyday than go to a Good Friday service and give honor to Him once a year.
And what if before the big game they actually remember Jesus and who he was with a statement or prayer and a minutes silence. I wonder how many people would hear a message of hope that maybe wouldn't have if the footy wasn't on?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good Friday AFL
Posted by
Glenn Globber
5:53 pm
Labels: Footy, Things about God and life
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An interesting dilemma indeed! There is a critical distinction in your discussion, and that is between religion, and your system of faith/belief. They are distinct, although in the case of most Christians, they are interwoven.
You make an important point about living the life of a Christ-follower. It is an everyday, always thing. A way of life. A faith.
At the same time, religion also has an important part to play in society. If it didn't then religion wouldn't be so global. For some people the religion of choice is football, for others, it is churchology (the religious behaviour tied to Christianity).
So each person has to decide for themself whether their chosen religion's operation (such as football on Good Friday) is compatible with their faith...
Hmmm now we're getting juicy. Yes there is a big distinction between my views on following Jesus and Christianity, or even churchology as you put it Tob's. To the point where I would probably say that there are most likely church's around that do church without following Jesus at all.
So this also makes me question something Mark E said in the upper post of 'the most important church day' being good friday. Yes it might be an important 'church' day but that doesn't mean it's important when simply being a follower of Jesus.
Mostly the persons (priests, pastors)who have questioned gff (Good Friday Footy) don't want footy on good friday for religious reasons which really has nothing to do with being a follower of Jesus.
I have to question then their actions in standing up for not having afl on good friday as all it does is reinforce the fact that the church (and therefore common view of Christianity) is all about rules and rituals and not a living, breathing, walking, relationship with the son of God that I'm sure would have loved being with people at the footy.
Yes there is a lot of religion in Australia and the world and it makes me think of the book of Revelation in the way the church's were living synchronistic lives with the world around them and how much Jesus was urging them not to be lukewarm. Maybe this is why the church has become more about religion than simply living out a daily vibrant relationship with Jesus?
My immdeiate is thought is that in a secular culture we ought not expect 'non-Christians' to behave like Christians or feel any compulsion to celebrate whatis essentially a Christian memorial.
So I think the AFL is quite within its rights to have a game of footy at any time of the year - Christmas day if they want to!
Its a different question for us though and its where tradition gets tricky.
I think your point is right that we may not know the exact date etc of the death & ress, but for many Christians 'thinking they know' helps them!
Personally I would be happy to do both - to remember Jesus' death in a more focused way once a year and in that same afternoon head home and watch the footy.
Its a good excuse not to do housework...
That makes me wonder how many other things Christian culture may have put on society about how they should live and what they should do etc, However . . . we live in a predominantly Christian culture, with the basis of our law, governance etc based on Christian principles so in saying that I think I would rather be in a culture that values the foundation of Christian ethics than perhaps another religion?
As I think about it further I guess even other religions have their extremists that shape a country and what they stand for, their laws etc and the religion may not be true to it's original state.
Maybe the same could be said with Christianity in Australia, or other parts of the world, that the Christianity we know and have come to learn about is not based on the roots of following Jesus but of a system of church and religion. Is it then possible to be a church beyond this 'Christianity' that seems to have lost touch with the communities in which we live? Can we actually think and act beyond what has been formed in our minds?
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